' Still Standing '


‘ Still Standing’ Fine Art Print

Features a pigment fine art print on 308gsm 100% cotton smooth rag.

These prints have a velvety matt finish with archival pigmented inks to ensure a vibrant colour finish.

Limited to 100 prints.

Your print is shipped to you protected in a glassine sheath and heavy duty cardboard.
Prints are of the highest quality to ensure the longevity of each print. We only use Phreon in Auckland, New Zealand using pigmented ink guaranteed for a life time, made in New Zealand.

Shipping, please allow 14 days for your prints to be shipped.

Free shipping worldwide.

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Kingfishers hold a special place in my heart as my dad died when I was 8 and my mother and I would frequently be sitting in the garden and our resident kingfisher would come by and we always felt it was my dad, we always felt so blessed every time.

Now days as I sometimes question what I am doing as we all possibly do, in those moments I always seem to hear our kingfisher here outside my studio. It is like my dad is reminding me to trust my gut and follow my dreams, my dad reminding me I've got this and " I am still standing " even after the challenges life has thrown at me over the last couple of years, I am still here, I am stronger than I was, I have stood up again with each blow and I am still here. With this in mind I think he should be called " Still Standing"